Winter 2019 – Week 2 & 3

I combined weeks 2 and 3 because for some reason we have been having internet issues…again. It made not only watching anime difficult but also loading pretty much every webpage took forever. So here we are with two episodes for each show this week. Well except for one show. That is right everyone, the first dropped show of 2019 has already happened. Go ahead and guess which one it is going to be before you read it. Then let me know if you were right.


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Winter 2019 – Week 1

The first week of the new season is here! Sort of. A few of these shows have multiple episodes wrapped up this week because I wanted to start week one when everything was airing, so some shows aired two episodes before this came out. Others aired two episodes right away so they already had multiple episodes out before some shows every started. So far with week one most of the shows seem pretty promising (excluding one) but I am very excited about what is to come.


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Winter 2019 Anime

winter 2019It seems like the time we get between seasons is getting shorter and shorter, which is saying something because I am pretty sure it is always the same amount of time. Heck with the holidays it was probably longer than usual. I only bring this up because it seems like the umpteenth time the previous season has not been quite over when the new one starts up. Which is why we are here today. With the new year comes the new 2019 anime for this winter season. Going into it there was not too much I had been really looking forward to but I have chosen a few that I hope will be good to watch. I may drop some and I may add some along the way and will let you know about it in the weekly wrap up that will come out every Sunday (hopefully). I plan on limiting it to only ten weeks a season so that I can still do an overall wrap up at the end of the season without having ruined everything in a different post. That is the plan for now anyway, so I will stop rambling and let’s look at what shows I have chosen from Winter 2019.

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What 2019 Has in Store

my-hero-academia-season-4-announcement_h57b.640When 2017 came to an end I already knew that as far as 2018 went, the summer season would be awesome. There was an abundance of sequel series that aired that season that it was almost overwhelming. Then I thought there was no way that 2019 could beat what 2018 had accomplished. Boy was I wrong. So, today for the final day of 12 Days of Anime I am going to go over some of the exciting things that are coming in 2019. Maybe it will encourage you to check them out too, or just let you know that they are happening because there were a few I had no idea about.

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Why Should I Care?: Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Second Half

thumb-350-919305Last year I wrote about the second half of a show that completely ruined the show for me. I hope that 2018 would not have an anime that did that to me. Unfortunately, that ended up happening twice this year…god, I hope that 2019 does not do it three times then. That is all seasonal anime-wise of course. This is a little bit different because with the show last year had the entire second half bug me, while this one was more like an episode or two that threw me for a loop. So, for Day 11 of 12 Days of Anime, I am talking about just what it was during the second half of Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi that really bugged me.

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Double Decker and Western Crime Shows

I have been a big fan of crime shows since I was little. The original Law & Order is played in my house religiously to this day, and we often played the game of predicting who we thought the bad guy was going to be. This continued on after the original series ended and I branched out to watch nearly every other crime show out there. All of which I grew to love in their own unique way. When I was recently in the hospital after breaking my leg, I caught the opening for Law & Order: SVU coming from one of the rooms as I was rolled up to be admitted, and I asked the woman moving me if she could move a little faster so that I could get to my room and start watching it. I bring this up because as a big crime show and anime fan, I have been searching for a long time for a really good anime that focuses on crime the way western crimes shows do. Why? I just thought it would be interesting and a fun thing to see. So far the anime crime show (no not Anime Crimes Division, that’s something else) idea is something that has not quite met the probably too high of standards that I have set for it. However, this season Double Decker! Doug & Kirill has been airing and has shown some common tropes that appear in western crime shows. Buckle up guys because today for Day 10 of 12 Days of Anime I am talking about not just anime but my other favorite form of television, crime shows.


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Stress, Anxiety, and the Sibyl System

300px-PsychoPasscastOne of the weirdest things I have experienced as an anime fan is when you start to watch a show and then hit a stalemate where you just cannot find the urge to continue it. It even happens sometimes when you like the show you are watching. This happened to me not once but twice while watching the first season of Psycho Pass. I have thought long and hard about just what it was that caused it, but ultimately, I could not pinpoint exactly what it was. Nevertheless, after two attempts in 2017, I was finally able to get through the first season of Psycho Pass earlier this year. Which means today we are going to talk about Psycho Pass for Day 9 of 12 Days of Anime.

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Overcoming Tragedy with Kaoru Ijuin

4f198ea6b66d779dfb61f3770b37a5d4Welcome back to Day 8 of 12 Days of Anime! Man, the days are really starting to fly by now. So far I have somehow managed to stay ahead so the posts are not written the day of. And…I probably just jinxed it. Crap.

Onto the real reason we are here. I have mentioned it before, but I have a standing rule that I usually do not write about an anime until I have finished watching it. That mostly comes from the fact that I do a lot of reviews here and I hate to write a long post about something I am halfway through only to have the rest of the show change my mind drastically. However, after recently starting to watch Tada Never Falls in Love, I just felt the urge to write a post about Kaoru. Plus, no matter what the rest of the show does I doubt they can somehow come in and mess it up. So, today for Day 8 of 12 Days of Anime we are going to talk about Kaoru Ijuin and how he turned out to be the best friend a person could have.

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Love, Loss, & Violet Evergarden

Violet Evergarden is a good show, no, an amazing show. Its story, animation, and characters are part of what I believe to be probably the best anime Kyoto Animation has ever put out. Along with Free of course. It also was a show that I was watching when my life changed in a way that was very similar to the one Violet struggles with for the majority of the show. It ended up being something that connected me to Violet and her story in a way that I never have with any anime before. So that is what we are going to be talking about for Day 7 of 12 Days of Anime.

*There’s gonna be some spoilers so tread carefully*

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Free, Free, & More Free!

Free-S3-Ep-4-Img-003The grammar thing keeps trying to correct “More Free” to “Freer” and if that is not the name of the next season then they really missed out on an opportunity.

The summer of 2013 was a lot of things for me. First of all, it was my last summer of high school and the next summer I would have to get ready to go to college. Second of all, it marked the year of babysitting where I was so underpaid that I did not make enough money to pay for gas. Which also resulted in me getting chewed out by the mother of the said child when I told her I started watching other children when I was not watching hers to actually have a positive cash flow that summer. Otherwise, I was losing money. But that is not why we are talking about 2013. July of 2013 was the month I became a constant viewer of seasonal anime when a little show called Free!: Iwatobi Swim Club came out, and I fell in love with the idea of “sports anime”. So, today for Day 6 of 12 Days of Anime we are going to talk about Free! and its most recent sequels.

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