Winter 2019 – Week 2 & 3

I combined weeks 2 and 3 because for some reason we have been having internet issues…again. It made not only watching anime difficult but also loading pretty much every webpage took forever. So here we are with two episodes for each show this week. Well except for one show. That is right everyone, the first dropped show of 2019 has already happened. Go ahead and guess which one it is going to be before you read it. Then let me know if you were right.


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Winter 2019 – Week 1

The first week of the new season is here! Sort of. A few of these shows have multiple episodes wrapped up this week because I wanted to start week one when everything was airing, so some shows aired two episodes before this came out. Others aired two episodes right away so they already had multiple episodes out before some shows every started. So far with week one most of the shows seem pretty promising (excluding one) but I am very excited about what is to come.


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Winter 2019 Anime

winter 2019It seems like the time we get between seasons is getting shorter and shorter, which is saying something because I am pretty sure it is always the same amount of time. Heck with the holidays it was probably longer than usual. I only bring this up because it seems like the umpteenth time the previous season has not been quite over when the new one starts up. Which is why we are here today. With the new year comes the new 2019 anime for this winter season. Going into it there was not too much I had been really looking forward to but I have chosen a few that I hope will be good to watch. I may drop some and I may add some along the way and will let you know about it in the weekly wrap up that will come out every Sunday (hopefully). I plan on limiting it to only ten weeks a season so that I can still do an overall wrap up at the end of the season without having ruined everything in a different post. That is the plan for now anyway, so I will stop rambling and let’s look at what shows I have chosen from Winter 2019.

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Winter 2018 Anime

I already feel so behind on this season because I have only really watched two shows and I saw that one show already has multiple episodes released so I am already so behind. The first week of school just so perfectly matched up with the first week many shows started airing, and since the first week is usually the craziest I had no time to watch anything because I was adjusting to my new schedule and I was exhausted after being done with many of them. I try to get out my first impressions post before I watch anything, so it worked out that I am still behind but that does not reduce my stress level. I also kind of had problems with choosing what shows I wanted to watch. Part of my struggle with this season was that there was not one show that had me jumping out of my season waiting for it. There were a few that initially peaked my interest, but nothing that really caught my attention originally. Nevertheless, I did indeed find some shows to watch and today I am going to tell you about what I chose to watch this season.

Winter 2018.jpeg

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